Monday, August 24, 2009


The Young Massa seems to have decided that he's not got enough on his plate with his redesign of medical care in the USA, or the low (acknowledged)level terror threat, or the war in Afghanistan, or the economy that is dieing a rather Dinosaurian Death.

His next big push, foisted upon the People of America by a consortium of 60 of the Usual Suspect Organizations is to turn 9-11 into some kind of Day of Activism, wherein the People are going to be encouraged to hug a tree, plant a few, embark on Green adventures or start Green Enterprises, etc, etc, etc.

Here is a link to an American Spectator article that includes the gory details. I'm going to have to think on this for a bit in order to take my current inchoate incoherent throat rending screams and try to make them into something that might resemble intelligent words on this subject.

WHATEVER I manage to say, while trying to form the thoughts within the strictures of the Queen's English, (since, as one of my -net mentors points out, "Profanity is the refuge of illiterate muther-feckers.") will necessarily be devoid of the force which I feel on this subject.

ANYTHING that I say beyond the following may well be guilding the lilly.






more in a day or two when the BP meds kick in and I can think clearly and intelligently.

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